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A Snowflake Falls in Greenland

by Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

Imagine a scene more than one hundred thousand years ago, the Neanderthal are quickly dwindling and homo sapiens are succumbing to increasing drought and climate fluctuations. On the Euro/African continents the human experiment teeters on the brink of extinction. Over the arctic regions of prehistoric North America and Siberia a train of atmospheric low pressure cells form and strengthen; warm moist air siphons northward on the back side of a late season high stalled near North America’s Atlantic coast. Drawn up into the bitter cold arctic air the moisture turns to snow. Over the planes of Greenland molecules of water crystallize and conjoin dropping and ascending or drifting as updrafts and outflows of storm gusts mindlessly propel the budding snowflakes.

Our lives are the out picturing of a million variables every day. World politics, local politics, family and career politics; some we participate in actively, some shape our experiences without our knowledge. From our experiences, we form our beliefs; ideas become planted in our minds. There is no grand plan at play, just an endless series of random reactions to unseen forces.

Earth’s climate patterns are changing and the northern latitudes are cooling. Snow falls regularly now and where it had melted away in summers past it now lingers into the next winter becoming buried under the new season’s deposit of random snowflakes. Millennia pass and the snows are compressed into massive ice formations that become rock grinding, land shaping machines.

Our Homo Sapiens ancestors empowered by their evolved larger brain have reasoned solutions to their impending doom. Humans are on the move seeking more hospitable lands and developing tools to work the lands in hand; agriculture provides year-round sustenance by allowing humans to make food where nature has been miserly in its provision. Humans recognize their insignificance in the overall bigger picture; surly some powerful super intellect is driving all the natural occurrences unfolding around them. They recognize a greater intelligence and ponder their relationship with it.

The ice spurred on by nothing more than simple physics moves downhill where it eventually encounters the sea. At land’s end the ice is suspended briefly between the familiar land and the promise of the sea. Released into the sea the ice assumes a new identity, becoming an ice berg. Its new-found freedom has a price however, and from its first moment the ice berg begins to pay with its very life.

Our intellects evolved along with our growing brains. We developed an ego, a sense of self that assigned value to our own existence and demanded justifications for our decisions and actions. The hunter who ranged into another tribe’s domain, or the farmer who siphoned off more than their share of water justified their actions by convincing themselves their families depended on them to do whatever it took to provide the means of survival. In time, mere survival evolved into surplus, and surplus into profit and the Lord saw the profit and said it was good! Well actually, it was the ego of humans who said it was good, but by this time mankind was convinced that it was the very picture of God, so any popular human endeavor was by extension endorsed by God. Human ego was supplanting human recognition of its Spiritual nature, a blindness that has altered human history and threatened our very existence.

Relative to the land locked glacier an ice berg is a free spirit travelling along its merry way; having its grand adventure. It is however, anything but free. The berg never chose a short life floating free in the warming ocean waters. It succumbed to conditions it had no control over, broke off and floated away into warmer waters.

We often succumb to our egos in a similar fashion, leaping into regrettable decisions seemingly due to forces beyond our control. We differ from the hapless iceberg though in that we have the power of choice. We are faced with millions of variables each day and fortunately most of them allow hard wired responses; we turn left at the intersection and go to work, order ice tea with lunch because we like it and its endless refills. A few times each day we really need to show up; our value is questioned, our principles challenged. These are the key choices; does someone else define us? Are principles negotiable? Answer: No to both questions.

Ironically, we really are the very picture of God, we have simply reversed the relationship in our common consciousness. God is not human. Humans are God. It may be easier if we change the name, many say Spirit or Higher Power; there are dozens of other names, but the nut is that this thing is infinite therefore we are of it, in its image. It does not know anger, shame, doubt or any other human condition except through us. It is Love.

All the misery and strife we encounter and observe is the result of our collective belief in duality; a world of us versus them, a vengeful god, and limited resources. One hundred thousand years ago, a snowflake fell onto an expanding ice field; an idea onto a fertile mind. The snowflake grew into a glacier, the glacier calved an iceberg; the idea grew into a belief, the belief became a definition of self.

The iceberg drifted until one fateful night its path led it into a collision with history. The arrogance of man in the form of a ship, indestructible, racing into its destiny. Was it the fire in the coal bunker, the nature of its steel, inadequate design or just bad luck? Or was it just because a snowflake fell one hundred thousand years ago, and set into motion a cascade of random events that hundreds of people are now cast into a watery grave?

Many of the ideas we plant grow into greatness, and some few lead us toward destruction. We are blessed with the knowledge of the Universe to guide us, and the power of choice to adjust our course before colliding with certain ruin. The iceberg survived that night eventually dissolving back into the sea ignorant of the chaos it spawned, unaffected and uncaring of the heartache and loss in its wake.

Spirit provides for us as we believe with identical engrossment, ignorant of its effect, only certain in its end; to give to us without question. Aware of our power we are responsible to guide it in harmony with Spirit; to choose love, as Spirit is love. In harmony, we sing, without it we screech. One hundred thousand years ago, we teetered on the edge of extinction and became aware of our potential. If it seems we are once again headed over a cliff, be still within the chaos and remember that we are more than snowflakes drifting in the wind.

Learn more about the power of ideas and how Spirit acts on your beliefs at and

Judging a Book by Its Cover

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking


We are quick to believe what we want to believe. We become so entrenched in our need to be right that we grasp on to any evidence that seems to confirm our belief whether it confirms our belief or not. A chain e-mail based on a 2008 photo of President Obama holding the book by Fareed Zakaria “The Post-American World” is still making the rounds as evidence of selective belief. Zakaria is a highly respected journalist who describes himself as, “. . . not a religious guy.”

The uninformed claims of the anonymous e-mail author were debunked in the article “Obama’s Reading Material” posted October 1, 2009 by Lori Robertson. “Wanna believers,” or dis-believers depending on your view, still site the photo as proof of their unenlightened convictions regarding Obama’s religion and agenda. All of us fall into this trap from time to time. We forget our Spiritual Truth, empower our egos and embark on a quest to be proven right. We select evidence that supports our belief rather than letting the body of evidence lead us to the truth.

“The Post-American World” is actually a celebration of the American economy’s domination over factional and marginalized religious and political blocs. The world economy is homogenizing around the American free market model, and nations once seen as “foreign” and “hostile” are becoming more and more to be trade partners rather than trade rivals. The American rising tide is lifting all boats. America is winning and this is what victory looks like. We often miss opportunities to be happy because our good shows up differently than we expected. Our ego sets an expectation that the universe ignores and we are unhappy because our expectation is not met even though our goal is fulfilled.

For many an American victory resembles a video game with one nation standing among a smoldering ruin of vanquished foes. A quick review of the past century is in order. World War I left the German economy in shambles leading to World War II. The world powers adjusted their thinking and post war Germany was rebuilt with a thriving economy that not only endures to this day, but who’s “American” model dominated its “Soviet” model leading to a reunited country and strong western ally. Japan was bombed into submission and also evolved into an American modeled super economy. North Korea has remained in the dark ages, but its ally China’s economy is unrecognizable to its mid-century Communist architects. Vietnam is a bitter memory to Americans but economically is vibrant in a hybrid fashion. We prosper when we recognize our similarities and work together.

In sports rival teams acknowledge each other’s efforts with a post-game hand shake regardless the score or intensity of the contest. We recognize it as good sportsmanship to extend a hand to a fallen rival to assist them to their feet. There is nothing American about “piling on,” driving an opponent into the ground beyond any possible recovery. Spirit, our loving source, does not judge or hold grudges. As quickly as we relinquish our ego driven need to be right, we are realigned with Spirit and unaffected by chaotic appearances. We enjoy harmony in relationships and our prosperity unfolds before us.

Our perceptions inform our beliefs more strongly than facts. Our egos choose to believe our perceptions and commit to defending them in defense of itself. If our perceptions are correct, our ego is correct, our ego is happy our soul is in turmoil. Our soul knows the facts and becomes restless when they conflict with our belief.

We perceive a world torn by conflict and dominated by terrorist. “The Post-American World” informs us that the facts tell a different story. The facts demonstrate that there is less general warfare in the world and although horrible, terrorist acts are much less influential than we perceive them to be. The Americanized world economy recovers from each episode more quickly each time. Zakaria reminds us that our instant communication reality, our twenty four/seven news cycle and social media connect us to and fill our perceptions with every demonstration of frustration and fear whenever and wherever is occurs in our world. Fifty years ago millions died in conflicts around the world with little or no witness.

When we allow ourselves to believe what others say about us we are buying into the media hype. Each retelling of the story bends the truth a little more and we become more disconnected from our Spiritual Truth. We can break the cycle of internal misinformation by remember that our story is now and stories are transient. Our soul, Spirit is forever and unchanging. We can choose to turn off the media in our head that informs our perceptions and reconnect to our Spiritual Truth. Stop fueling the myths and what remains is Truth. Truth is harmony, there is no resistance, and the vibration is as smooth and steady as a well maintained machine.

The facts inform us that contrary to our perceptions Muslim leaders are instrumental in emasculating jihadist claiming to represent the religion. Tireless efforts by a united world police have neutralized countless threats and these united efforts continue with common respect and goals. The facts revealed through polling analysis indicate that currently Westerners are more inclined to accept collateral casualties in pursuit of wrongdoers than Muslims.

“The Post-American World” illuminates the changing role of the United States in the world’s economy. As everyone’s “skin in the game” increases the wisdom of working together becomes apparent. No one enjoys being told what to do. Everyone likes to emulate success. The world is catching on to America’s success and wants to play, not be played. Competition is healthy and rivalries promote exceptional efforts but at the end of the day the post American world will be more supportive and less combative recognizing that a successful competitor is a good customer.

As we recognize ourselves in others, release our ego’s need to be right and embrace harmony over victory our lives become more enjoyable. America’s western economic model is the example for the world. Each of us is an example to our world. The joy within us is as contagious as success. Cooperation brings joy, domination fosters fear. Our successful world leaders recognize this truth and are embracing collaboration as the next step in our human evolution.

Learn more about Spirit, Spiritual Mind, the One Mind, Spiritual Law, Universal Intelligence, The Science of Mind and the power within you at a Center For Spiritual Living near you or online starting at or


The Fallacy of Peace

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

Peace is a popular theme in New Thought. There are Peace Poles, Interfaith Peace Conferences, prayers for peace, and a general desire for Peace. Peace is an attribute ascribed to Spirit and is evoked as a Truth to be revealed. Horse feathers!

The natural state of the Universe, the natural state of Spirit is chaos, by comparison Peace is death. “He looks so peaceful.” “She is at peace now.” Peace is the death of war. War is action, challenge, disruption, transition, revolution, evolution, growth and destruction; chaos.

We are at war every moment of our lives. We eat, breath and circulate blood in a war to stay alive. We are living expressions of Spirit with freedom of choice that generates infinite new experiences within It. To evoke peace invites stagnation. The 19th century American abolitionist Fredrick Douglas declared, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

We meditate seeking tranquility ̶ peace, to connect with Spirit. We enter into an unnatural state seeking our natural state. We are confused. Our human mind is obscuring our own vision. We are, to quote the ancient sages, “Barking up the wrong tree.”

Our efforts are better spent recognizing our chaotic nature. It is our differences that push us forward. Those “others” spout a different view and we are called upon to defend our own. In science this is peer review. In their defense we must look more closely at our own views and persuade ourselves that they are valid truths and not just accepted beliefs. Simultaneously a seed of doubt is planted and a door of opportunity for a mutation of belief is created.

Embracing the chaos, our true Spiritual self weighs the evidence. Our human self makes choices. We can choose to hold firm to our original view, more convinced of its validity. We may slap ourselves in the head thinking, “How could I have been so blind?” If we allow, we engage in conversation with the other and develop areas of agreement that allow for a continuing discourse on our non-aligned ideas.

One definition of peace is to be free from disquieting thoughts or emotions. Boring! Our human existence is predicated on our continuous evolution of ideas. An evolution that carries us generation by generation, epoch through epoch from purely physical entities surviving through physical strength eventually to purely Spiritual entities evolved back to our source energy. Emotions and discomfort fuel change by challenging the status quo and tipping the table upon which we have perfectly arranged our lives spilling everything onto the floor in disarray. We clean up the mess, but some items are broken and discarded and nothing goes back just exactly as it was, made different if for no other reason by the fact it has moved.

We humans are at once fragile and resilient. Our bodies are easily damaged and our egos can be crushed with a single word, but a healthy body quickly rights itself, and a healthy ego recovers a little wiser and more flexible. Our bodies follow tried and true methods to recover. Bones are reset, wounds bandaged, medications applied and the physical laws of nature activate our natural healing processes. Our egos usually need a little more work. The resiliency of our ego is dependent on our beliefs and those can be deeply rooted in misinformation.

Our illusion of peace is one such belief. To be free of conflict is intolerable; our nature is to grow, inaction takes us nowhere. Spirit created an entire universe for us to explore and gave us freedom of choice to drive us into it. Conflict, within our own minds or with others forces movement, change and growth.

Substitute “tranquility” for “peace” and we move closer to an attainable goal in alignment with Spirit. Tranquility is living in harmony with our Spiritual nature recognizing its chaotic basis, its requisite constant evolution. By changing our belief, our definition of perfection, our egos are pulled back from their blind insistence on their own destruction. Recall the lesson of the roadrunner and coyote cartoons where the bird paints a tunnel onto a mountainside and the righteous coyote slams full speed into his false belief.

Slamming ourselves into one mountainside after another is the desperation that leads many to seek peace through spiritual enlightenment. Ironically our false idea of peace keeps our true goal of tranquility, like the roadrunner, just beyond reach, and like the coyote we redouble our efforts concocting new and wilder schemes that take us farther from our truth.

Walt Kelly’s Pogo famously stated “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” We accept false ideas and ingrain them into our beliefs. We defend our beliefs without questioning them. We seek out a peace that does not exist and are blind to our true chaotic nature. We slam into another mountainside and blame the roadrunner for our misfortune. We have met the enemy . . . .

Death comes soon enough. Our lives are a gift of free expression whose only charter is to provide beliefs for Spirit to act on. Our experiences reflect our beliefs and our freedom to choose allows our beliefs to change from moment to moment. The Spiritual intelligence that flows through each of us guides our choices if we agree to listen. By transcending the chatter of our egos and embracing the chaos of infinite possibility the right Word (Divine inspiration) drifts like a falling snowflake landing on our tongue just in time to create the right action to move us forward.

A state of security and order is the goal of tyrants and dictators. Their idea of security, their idea of order, is not peace; it is the death of any dissention or original thinking. Chaos is not anarchy, there is order in chaos just as there is order in the Universe. There is a “dark matter” not yet fully understood that scientist agree plays a part in the universal order. A power greater than we are, that we can use when we stop barking up the wrong tree.

Learn more about Spirit, Spiritual Mind, the One Mind, Spiritual Law, Universal Intelligence, The Science of Mind and the power within you at a Center For Spiritual Living near you or online starting at or


A Few Words on Walls

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

The world’s population is constantly in motion. Individuals move about, communities migrate. The earliest humans followed their food and expanded their horizons seeking balance between population and resources. We are by our nature, immigrants. Spirit lives through us, and our migratory nature, our freedom of choice. Spirit by its nature is always expanding its store of experiences through our individual thoughts and actions, our migrations from the now to the new. Ironically, the infinite employs our seemingly finite lives and our desire to explore to fulfill its infinite self.

Pioneers moving into new territories always alter the status quo even if there were no others there before them. When we hunt wild game or put a plow into the ground we forever alter that which was into something new. Move into ground already populated and the encounter alters both populations irreversibly. Empires around the world and throughout time have grown powerful only to slip quietly into the pages of history through the evolution of human endeavors.

Some would have us believe that building a wall can stop Spirit’s infinite exploration. China built a wall that today stands as a marvel of engineering; it serves no other purpose. The Soviet Union built a wall in Berlin that today looks out at us from blocks of plastic or dangles in the form of necklaces or earrings. A wall in Jerusalem is said to be effective, but security is an illusion. There is no denying the threat there, but it is the Spiritually loving nature of Jerusalem’s people that keeps the peace.

The exercise of building a U.S./Mexico border wall deserves exploration if for no other reason than to expose its lunacy. Start with the placement of the wall; it seems impractical to build it in the middle of the Rio Grande River where some of the border runs, so it would have to be completely on U. S. soil, probably some distance back from the river so as to not impede its enjoyment as a leisure destination. Unless the U.S. is willing to cede the land and river south of the wall to Mexico along with all that leisure economy, anyone approaching the wall will be in the U.S. and protected by its laws. Therefore any personal injury related to the wall will be eligible for litigation in a U.S. court.

The specter of litigation suggest the need for insurance, and insurance requires premiums that in this case would be an obligation of American taxpayers. Litigation also requires attorneys who would also be an obligation of American taxpayers. So in review the wall is not even built yet and it is generating income for insurance companies and attorneys. Care to hazard a guess as to which insurance companies and which attorneys will be reaping in the profits at taxpayer expense? Can you say political cronyism? Remember the phrase, it is recurrent.

One Presidential candidate indicates his wall will be has high as a jumbo jet hanger. The walls of that hanger stand because they are part of a self-supporting system of interlocking perpendicular walls and roof trusses. To approximate that level of support our wall will need to be constructed as a zig-zag, a method popular with rural rail fences. The zig-zag pattern also lends itself to being easily guarded providing clear observation of its base from stations located at the apexes, not to mention clear fields of fire allowing for slaughter of any undocumented interlopers or innocent wanderers within the security zone. Of course all this being on U.S. soil in close proximity to a recreational area to some, may be problematic.

Staffing those guard stations will require a small army, well actually a rather large army. It does not seem prudent to tie up U.S military assets for such a static mission, besides, the same candidates avowing the wall seem to have more worldly uses for the military. Private contractors usually come into consideration for this type of roll. They have already made major inroads into the taxpayer funded privatization of the prison industry, and administering punishment without the inconvenience of due process is more suited to use of a corporate entity that can be scape-goated without prosecuting the principles who would simply reappear as a new corporation carrying on the mission. Who would these principles likely be? Remember the phrase?

So now we have seen how billions of taxpayer dollars will be funneled into the hands of political cronies and the wall is still at best a dream on paper or worse a deranged concept in the mind of someone the gullible world takes seriously. And we have not even brought in the materials needed to build the wall; another opportunity to pay off one of the good old boys. The wall will require continuous maintenance and a road system to provide it. The maintenance company will require depots, security, staffing, and a friend in Washington.

It is asserted that Mexico will pay for the wall. If so it is likely Mexico will want the job of building to benefit Mexican construction companies. So now we are looking at Mexican companies using more than likely Mexican crews to build a wall on U. S. soil. The Mexican crew will want Mexican comforts; food, entertainment, families, etcetera. The building of a wall on U.S. soil will bring more Mexicans into the country than are already coming. Of course there is an alternative; Mexico could just say “NO.” In fact, it already has.

Mexico is a fabulous country with wonderful people and vast resources. People in the United States deride Mexico’s government but take advantage of its shortcomings to exploit its underserved population. We in the U.S. want low prices in our supermarkets, at the gas pump and on and on. Low-cost labor is key to these wants and conditions in Mexico drive an endless supply northward. We in the U.S. say our form of government is better, but the example we set is far from ideal.

We show the world a dysfunctional Congress that refuses to act because it does not like the color of our President’s skin. We show the world a government that funnels taxpayer money into private schools to dumb down our disadvantaged populations and dis-educate our future leaders with fairy tales and propaganda. We show the world leadership that believes might makes right and that we can bomb the world into peaceful coexistence held together by force. All to benefit that special group, remember the phrase?

Fences may make good neighbors, but walls divide people and force tribal thinking. Walls are human concepts built by people with delusions they can power their way through fear. Their belief in fear perpetuates itself. When we embrace our Spiritual nature, fear is dissolved by its infinite love. Love brings walls down, brings people together, and peace held together unconditionally.

Learn more about Spiritual Truth and infinite Love at a Center for Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at or


A Matter of Perception

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

Gold and white, or blue and black. It’s all in our individual perception. All the buzz in social media this week over the colors of a dress demonstrates a basic challenge in human relationships. Clearly, even when presented with the exact same information, our individual interpretations can produce dramatically different conclusions.

It seems that for almost every question there are at least two viable options and camps of supporters for both. In his nineteenth century illuminations on ethics, John Stuart Mill described the term “Utilitarianism” as basically falling similarly into two camps, Rule utilitarianism and Act utilitarianism, allowing for a universe of moderations in between.

On the one hand a society is best served by establishing a well thought through set of rules that when followed unerringly by all would create the most happiness for the most people. The polar opposite forgoes establishing formal rules allowing that individual acts are judged by their effect on society. The latter position allows for circumstances to guide values while the former simply demands adherence.

Reasonable people quickly agree that neither position in its extreme is perfect for all occasions. Some formal legal system is required to conduct commerce and maintain a level playing field in complicated social structures. Two farmers however, should be able to trade some grain for a pig with a simple hand shake if both are agreeable to the terms.

Each of us is free to see the dress as gold and white, black on blue or some other combination because we have accepted something between “rule” and “act” utilitarianism. If we agreed that the designer’s proclamation that the dress is blue and black established the only accepted interpretation, the gold and white camp would be in violation of the rule.

The gold and white camp would then be left with two choices; deny the evidence of its own eyes or live in violation of the rule. The former solution provides fodder for a lifetime of therapy, the latter leads to deterioration of respect for the rule and rules in general and eventually anarchy. From this simple example it becomes clear that a strict “rule” society is bound for self-destruction by its self-imposed rigidity.

Our spiritual nature is “rule” based and has only one rule, Love. This core rule allows our human experience to be the chaotic adventure it is because Love can only give us what we expect to receive, and its first gift is freedom. We have freely created our own anarchy by denying the core rule.

Who we are may seem to be an accident of fate, but only if we define ourselves in terms of what we believe and how we perceive the world we live in. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. When we forget that truth and become immersed in the world of effects enveloping us we surrender to the idea of fate. Remembering our faith, our true nature, provides an avenue back to self-determination.

When through our exercise of choice we judge the acts of others by their effect on society, whether or not the result is more happiness, we move back toward the core rule. A couple who choose to share their lives and contribute to their community may do so in violation of some human sourced moral standing, but that standing aside do no harm and much good. This is demonstrating love, the core rule. The act is beneficial, the rule if strictly enforced would harm the couple and provide no appreciable benefit to society.

The rule of love gives us freedom because nothing else would be love. Freedom gives us anarchy because nothing else would be freedom. It is no wonder then that life is a paradox. Spirit or God if you prefer, set us free to find our own way home with no manual or directions. We have the basic intelligence of the universe because we are all expressions of the One Mind, and we have the freedom to use our universal wisdom or deny it.

Whether the dress is one color or another is hardly important. How we choose to accept the interpretation of others is. Are we willing to allow the same value to the interpretations of others as we assign to our own? Does one cause harm and the other not? Is any perceived harm real or simply a violation of someone’s rule? What does the rule of Love demand?

Our freedom to choose may seem a cruel joke when we consider the Universe could have made us adherent to its core rule and saved a history of strife. But what history would there be then if instead of our freedom we were created to conform. Spirit itself is required to conform to its only rule and created us as a means to explore the consequences of freedom.

Our history is often marked by our blunders but also by our triumphs. Every heroic odyssey starts with a disruption of the norm. We heroically stand one more time than we are knocked down and do so over and over again. The Rule of Love is our undeniable core. We have strayed from it on a million roads and travel millions more seeking our return.

We can all agree it is a dress. We can agree that there appear to be two principle colors in its palette. If we start there and understand that everything else is subject to personal interpretations fueled by vastly different experiences, perhaps we can choose to be guided by the only rule that matters, the one that created us all.

Is Spirit doomed by its rigid adherence to its one rule? Only if unconditional love can ever be wrong. Spirit is infinite and thus immortal. What appears as chaos from our limited perspective is simply a neutral element within the greater soul.

Learn more about your true nature, your freedom to choose and the Rule of Love at a Center for Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at or



Thumbtack Prosperity

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

There is a bulletin board in the mail room of a South Florida community association. Maybe the one you live in. Most of the items pinned to the board are placed there by the association’s management, neatly placed with a push pin placed at each corner. There is a desk organizer on a shelf at the bottom of the bulletin board containing pens, pencils and a generous supply of push pins.

With some regularity others have occasion to place notices on the bulletin board and here is where an interesting phenomena frequently occurs. Although there is an ample supply of push pins readily available and easily accessible, these notices are haphazardly pinned to the board with push pins purloined from the corners of other notices. The other notices are not left hanging with one corner loose, rather their pins are removed and re-pinned so that two notices are left raggedly posted by one pin at the center in the top and one at the center in the bottom.

Eventually it is not unusual to find more notices all suspended by a single pin while the reservoir in the organizer remains overflowing. A lazy person would use the pins from the organizer, even if only one; it would be easier than rearranging the ones already in use. A deep seeded sense of lack demonstrates as the appearance of poverty even where abundance is within arm’s reach.

Our true beliefs manifest in the simplest ways. Being alert to the clues, even the little ones, can change the course of our lives. Imagine if one day the persons denying themselves the use of the ample supply of push pins awakens to their folly. Out of pride they may continue as they always have and there would be no change, except that now they know there is a better way so there is that extra baggage to tote around.

Say they realize it is easier and neater to use the extra pins and start doing so right away. They will have allowed themselves to release an old idea and move into a new experience. In the world of dragon fighting mythologies this is the single armor scale being torn away; an occurrence that never ends well for the dragon.

Where else in their lives have they been denying their wealth? Where have they been hording an endless supply? Is there something holding you back, or is it something you are holding on to? What clues are you overlooking, and what are you ready to let go of?

Many of us go through our entire live never knowing we have control over how we feel, never knowing we can change the course we are on at any time. Sometimes we need an ah-ha moment to stimulate our attention. Nature has many tools to bring that about; some more appealing than others. One choice we can make is to be proactive by employing our own tools first.

Tool number one, Understanding our True Nature: These individual lives we are living are just cells in a much bigger organism. The evidence? Everything that lives finds a way to cluster with other living things, we are collaborative beings, suggesting a connections that transcends the physical. We have commonalities that we build upon. At basic levels we are all alike, laughing, crying, lusting, caring etcetera.

Tool number two, Understanding the nature of that bigger organism. It is Love. The evidence? It gives us whatever we believe. It does not judge us. It just gives. It is infinite. There is no outer edge. Wherever we perceive an outer edge, it continues beyond our comprehension.

Tool number three, pathfinders. Pathfinders are those in our acquaintance that have already traveled the road ahead, they know where the water holes are and the quick sand. Every spiritual practice has pathfinders. Whether they are called minister, monk, rabbi, mullah, or friend they can help us see things we have been overlooking or didn’t even know to look for.

The universe overflows with push pins. We can use them or not. We can make our lives better or continue as we are. We can use the tools at our disposal or continue scratching at the dirt with our hands. Still not sure you can do it? Stick a pin in that doubt and talk with a pathfinder. You can always come back to your status quo, though never quite the same.

Learn more about your true nature, your connection to the infinite and the pathfinders available to you at a Center for Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at or



The Hurricane Heart

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

Spring in hurricane country is the time to buy a little extra in preparation for the storm everyone hopes does not appear. Prudent shoppers pick up an extra can of beans, bag of rice or bottled water every time they shop to squirrel away in the pantry or a corner of the garage. These non-perishable extras are accumulated bit by bit into and through the season so that they do not have to be purchased during a panic rush ahead of an eminent storm bearing down.

Our bodies do something similar with the food we eat. Anything not needed for immediate energy is stored as fat for later consumption. And like our imprudent shopper who waits for the storm before stocking up, our bodies also have a panic mode. Our bodies sense when they are not getting enough good nutrients and begin diverting available stocks to storage and shutting down non-essential functions to conserve fuel.

A result of our body’s survival mechanism is a lack of energy and enthusiasm for the things that make living fun, productive and generally worthwhile. We also experience a buildup of fat because our body-mind consortium is convinced there is a scarcity of nutrients even when there is sufficient supply relative to our reduced rate of consumption.

Is it possible that our hearts follow the same survival practices? Do our hearts begin hoarding love when they sense an insufficient supply of renewing love? Does our heart turn inward withholding its stock of love out of fear there may not be enough? Does it harden itself developing an insulating layer that actually suppresses our ability to receive additional consignments of love?

Answering yes to any of the questions above allows an insight into the behavior of the hurtful people in our lives. We are not designed to live without love, it is crucial to our existence. Love is the natural state of the Universe, the prime directive, the Word of God. Our every belief is made true by the love of a Universe that can only say yes to our stated desires. Sensing little or no source of love, our hearts redirect their love impulses toward providing for themselves at the cost of free circulation and eventual self consumption.

The inward focused heart loses its ability to recognize love directed toward it. It becomes self concerned, self-fixated and numb to any attempts to approach it. It becomes hard in its attempt to retain its self-perceived threatened supply. It consumes itself growing more dry and brittle as its stores evaporate.

The ironic paradox is that our fearful heart has its belief fulfilled by a loving Universe that continues to provide in accordance with our beliefs. The 1964 movie “Fate is the Hunter” centered around an airplane that crashed because a cascade of design faults indicated to the pilot that his one good engine was on fire causing him to shut it down and force an unnecessary emergency landing. Our fearful hearts likewise trigger a cascade of reasonable responses to increasingly inaccurate information driving us into undesirable results.

When the inevitable storm hits and the electricity goes off, we quickly eat our perishable foods first saving the dry and canned goods for the extended recovery period. Eventually conditions improve and a new normal emerges. If starving our bodies consume the food in our digestive systems before eventually tapping their fat reserves. Ideally starvation is avoided and our metabolisms stabilize. Our hearts act only on what they know, and continue consuming themselves.

If there is no storm, we use up our stores in the following months clearing our pantries to be refreshed the next year. If we are not faced with starvation our metabolisms adjust and our energy levels return to normal. Proper diet and exercise eventually reduce stored up fats and the resulting new eating habits help us maintain healthy bodies. Our hearts respond to our beliefs, new beliefs open new possibilities.

When we accept the possibility that our beliefs are erroneous, that our instruments are giving us false readings and what we are doing cannot continue we become open to new solutions. If we allow some small part of our self-directed love to be shared with others in some way, we open our pantry and provide an avenue for circulation to resume. Love wants to circulate, its natural state is to be in motion. A tiny crack in our armor erodes into a torrent of love pouring out and rejuvenating our heart with its flow. In response the Universe pours more love in and the cycle accelerates and expands into the limits of our belief.

Unrestricted by our interference love is self-perpetuating and infinitely expansive. Our hearts soften and expand their capacity to absorb becoming a conduit drawing love in as quickly as it can pump love out. When the next storm hits, our pantry will be overflowing, our bodies will be lean and our experience energized and fulfilling as we lead, respond and identify with the power of love.

Explore more about the power of love and our natural state at a Center for Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at and

Change the Channel

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

Another senseless act of terrorism has the media in an uproar this morning. What we know at this moment is that twelve are dead and there are four additional victims of apparently two shooters with automatic weapons in a Paris magazine office. Those are the horrible facts of an unfolding story. Yet with hours of air time to fill the pundits are rolling out every shade of speculation, comparison and party line talking point they can exhume.

These are “news” programs so it is necessary for them to report the facts and they are commentators so it is expected they would provide some background and comparison. What is important is that we as viewers recognize the immediacy of the reporting and the total lack of contextual information available at the scene. In a few minutes of viewing the same several seconds of footage have been run repeatedly as the commentators voiced their speculations. Finally, breaking news, they now had an audio clip where gunfire could be heard in the distance.

Time to change the channel. Do we really need to hear a recording of the gunfire? Do we need to experience the terror of the victims to get the point of the futility of the act? Is it really breaking news that this extra layer of experience is now available to us? Change the channel and redirect our thinking to know that Spirit is fully present in the medical workers tending the victims, in the police as they work their process and especially for the families of the fallen as they come to grips with this unexpected turn in their lives.

This is the news today, but it reflects the news of our daily lives. How often do we react armed with just a handful of facts and buckets of speculation? How often do we tell our stories making the fish bigger and bigger with each reiteration? How often do we fill in the lack of information with beliefs that have not been vetted or even appropriate to the occurrence?

Our heads are filled with pundits. Our parents, families, co-workers and friends are happy to share their opinions and influence our beliefs. “Ain’t it awful” is easy to fuel and popular in every social setting. We seek out the gory details and compete to escalate the horror.

Research indicates that likeminded people reinforce their opinions in the direction of their extremes pulling factions of reason farther and farther apart. Change the channel. If an extreme position is your fate, then surround yourself with loving people. Shun the company of speculation, suspicion and fear. We can equip ourselves with an air of empowerment that allows us to experience the effects of the world without losing our connection to our spiritual selves.

We can walk among the disenfranchised, the fearful and lost souls of our communities and be a beacon of Truth. “Onward Christian Soldiers” speaks to this truth in the form of song reminding us that our Christ nature is not defined by our crucifixions, but by our resurrections. Be aware, be engaged, and most important be brave enough to change the channel.

Learn more about your spiritual truth, spiritual empowerment and your Christ nature at a Center For Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at or


The Evolution of Employer – Employee Relations

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

The Supreme Court case brought on behalf of Peggy Young who sued United Parcel Service because it would not assign her to light duty when she was pregnant opens a wider question regarding employee – employer relations. Whether UPS did anything legally wrong is yet to be decided, but common practices lends support to their position and a ruling in Ms. Young’s favor will send a noticeable ripple through corporate board rooms.

In the early days of the Industrial Revolution there were no rules in the workplace beyond those established by employers. Show up on time, stay until you are told you can leave and never forget you can be replaced in a heartbeat. Contrary to human nature, human beings were the least valuable component of the industrial machine.

In the agrarian cultures that preceded the rise of the machines beasts of burden were highly prized and well cared for. It was not only humane, but practical. A sick or injured animal could not pull its load and was not easily replaced. Human employees on the farm or ranch often enjoyed a family type environment with its wide range of relationships and usually with their dignity honored. (The notable exception of human bondage notwithstanding)

Perhaps the birth of industrial societies occurring in Great Britain where a hierarchal class system was already entrenched lent direction to how employee – employer relationships developed. The cascade of events that brought more and more people into cities eventually created a critical mass of people unaccustomed to what was in effect several generations of evolution crammed into a few decades. The parallel development of vast colonial empires crushing indigenous populations against the explosion of industrial might fueled an upheaval of humanity and an unnatural distortion of human nature.

In our natural evolution competition for resources always played an important role. Controlling a water way meant having water. Ruling over fertile farm lands or abundant game lands meant having food. Being physically attractive or capable expanded ones choices of family expansions. As we evolved into urbanized societies political power and influence grew in importance. In the Industrial Revolution, the factory hierarchies encompassed all of these features pitting worker against worker to achieve recognition and reward within the artificial environment called “the company.”

The company became God and quickly it was lost to many that God had a Board of Directors and that Board answered to investors ̶ all of whom are human. All decisions deferred to the well-being of the company and the human beings at all levels of the matrix forgot their humanity. The intervening history between then and now has been the story of our return to the truth.

All work place rules and by extension civil laws are enacted in response to some occurrence or perceived possible occurrence that is harmful to the enacting society. Some are logical and make good sense surviving the tests of time. “No Smoking” in the gun powder factory still holds up, and “check your weapons” makes good sense although admittedly argumentative in some circles today.

The pell-mell race to industrial riches threatened to trample human nature, but that nature is a tough bird and the excesses soon enough proved to be too much. Work place accidents, poorly built products and simply the growing pains of technology triggered human responses to the robber baron attitudes that drove the evolution. There are no heroes without a few villains and the growth of industrial ineptitude awoke a new spiritual awareness in the human family.

Reclaiming their humanity laborers joined together in labor unions and through often violent strikes and bitter court battles curbed the arrogant demigods of industrialization. Demonstrating an irony only humans can manifest, the unions too forgot their mission and strayed into excesses that triggered their own demise. However with both sides of the coin having peaked in turn, a somewhat tempestuous middle ground has risen and tempered the extremes.

Corporations have proven to be false gods with scores crumbling into dust as so many statues of fabricated divinity have through time. Rules that restrict whom can work, once commonplace, get little support today. Time off is still culturally regulated with Western Europe seemingly much more human valued than typical American corporate thinking, and here is where we can begin to realign ourselves citing precedent.

American workers still labor under the delusion that everyone can rise to the ranks of the Rockefellers and foolishly shun regulations that might block their ascension. They are fighting the last war, something every generation falls prey to. The great do not become great by copying what others have done. Greatness is bestowed upon those who surpass the norm in spite of its challenges.

The great of today carve success out of a well if sometimes burdensomely regulated environment. Ben and Jerry created the best ice cream in the world using ingredients that are safe to consume and equipment that is safe to work with. Costco enjoys land office business with a workforce that enjoys being part of the customer’s experience and knows the company appreciates the employee’s contribution to the success.

The railroads of old did not embrace the Westinghouse air brake because it was safer; they did so because it reduced losses and lawsuits and boosted profits, but it is safer and we all benefit from it. Safety regulations provide a cushion between innovation and investors providing the impetus to invest until the market proves itself. The auto industry did not adopt seat belts because they had to or because they saved lives; they did so because they boosted sales. Safety innovation continues to drive auto advancements more than cosmetic changes ever did.

Successful corporations today recognize the value of their human assets. Our European counterparts have pioneered worker rights and set a high bar for their American and developing world cousins to match. If corporations want the rights of personhood they face the responsibility of personal relations. The “Golden Rule” applies. Treat others as you would have them treat you! Rules that protect people are good for the company. Rules that demean people demean the company. Short term profits have long term consequences to both the bottom line and the eternal soul.

Rules that empower ineffectual supervisors serve only to reinforce incompetence. Awakening spirituality erases incompetence because it cannot exist in a spiritually empowered environment. Corporations who empower their human assets thrive on their empowerment. UPS like most companies has developed and adopted many good and reasonable rules and policies to protect itself and its investors. Perhaps they will be forced by a court decision to reexamine their motivations and recognize the future includes evolution. Perhaps they will come to that realization on their own. Either way, evolution is inevitable and the winners will adapt.

Learn more about Spiritual empowerment at a Center For Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at or