Robin’s Final Gift


So many of life’s experiences are right in front of us, known by all, but often ignored. Robin Williams has with his passing chosen to bring into the light the experience of clinical depression. Most importantly none of us who are not afflicted with the condition can relate to it in any way. Even those with family or acquaintances in depression cannot really know what the stricken knows. Our ignorance is our shield and our attempts to relate can at best be hollow shells of understanding.


Our Spiritual Truth is love expressing. Harmony, creativity, love and prosperity are our birthright and the general norm for all human expressions of Spirit. Growth and evolution of our souls is the natural direction.


Depression is movement away from our natural state, but as a human condition continues to be part of our Spiritual whole. Whether caused by chemical imbalance, a physical trauma, or social conditioning the effect on the patient is real to them and rips at the very fabric of their soul.


For most of us the challenges we endure gift us with the discovery of strength and spiritual growth. Those among us who know depression are somehow blocking the process within themselves that allows most of us to evolve beyond the challenge. Many of us never grow tall enough to play professional basketball and most of us live well in spite of that deficiency. If one is determined to be a professional basketball player and simply cannot because of their size; an unhealthy condition may ensue. We may not understand the obsession, but it exist all the same and we can attempt to corral it, but if the subject is not equipped to adjust their thinking, we can only continue to love them as they are.


So it is with the depressed among us. We may never know the cause of their behavior or even that they are afflicted with this additional challenge. We can only relate to them as we would any other. They are Spiritual beings having a human experience. They are us, part of the whole.


Robin Williams blessed us with laughter and tears. His talents in retrospect may clearly have been masking deeper issues even from him. His drive may have been his sanity running as fast as it could attempting to stay ahead of the fears that haunted him. Robin’s gifts of observation and exposure of human folly, dramatic enactments of human interactions, and playful expressions of unconditional love are recorded for posterity; his final gift, the heart wrenching premature extinction of his life opened our eyes to an uncomfortable all too common condition.


It seems easy to say we are never alone and help is just a call away, but is it? When our individual mind is convinced it is alone, or persecuted or insufficient in some way, how can we penetrate the defenses it builds up?


We experience a form of survivor’s guilt when too late we learn of a loved one’s surrender to their depression. We think there should have seen a clue or should have acted on a clue we now recognize. I do not think Robin intended for us to suffer for him. I think in his own reasoning there was nothing left for him to do.


Robin’s influence on our collective experience is undeniable. Perhaps in his thinking he was being expected to repeat past successes over and over, and mostly to enrich others. Perhaps his Spiritual self could not stay at the same level doing the same things and because of his depression mind set saw no other way to grow. Ernest Holmes writes in the Science of Mind textbook, “. . . we will constantly expand and increase in knowledge and understanding, thereby continuously growing in our ability to make use of the Law (creative force of Spirit). In time, we shall be made free through It.”(271.3) [For more about Science of Mind see or]


The entertainment industry loves a winner, and a sequel to a winner, and a something that resembles a winner, but on a smaller budget, so Robin may have felt stuck and unable to continue expanding in his human world. He may have looked at all the wonderful things he has done and wondered why nothing seems to have changed.


In his own life Robin was able to move mountains, but on the larger scale the mountains buried him. He gave and he gave and the world seemed unchanged. Were his sights set too high? Did he think it was his failure that left the world seemingly no better off that he found it?


We are not alone and as Spiritual beings we are continuously interconnected. Our human selves are better equipped when we remember, when we remind others with every interaction that they too are expressions of the One. No one of us can move evolution alone but through his talents Robin enlisted millions and we have evolved.


We are better for his having passed our way and the world continues to evolve as each of us shares the gifts Robin has given us. His final gift of awakening us to a human tragedy may simply have been a way of passing the baton as if saying, “I have shown you the way; enjoy the journey, my road ends here.” And we love him for it. We accept the gift and take the next step more aware, better able to love unconditionally, with the courage to evolve out into the unknown.

Our Patient Truth

The Truth hovers over human folly like a flock of carrion birds patiently waiting for life to flee a wounded animal. We struggle with our ego minds to present a picture of human superiority over little things like politics, morality and destiny. The Truth cares not of these things and allows us our illusions while all the time bathing us in its love. When the struggle has gone out of us, when at last we admit there is nothing more we can do, the Truth cants its wings and glides down out of the sky to return us into itself. Desperation is one path back into our Truth, the one most of us choose. The desperation of having done everything humanly possible and finally coming to peace with the idea that our answers lie outside our human self. Another path is available to us; the path of inspiration that opens before us when we understand how the world works, the natural world unspoiled by human ego.

The Truth is simply what is, all of what is. Call it Spirit, God, Higher Power, call it Fred it does not matter because it speaks all languages, knows all words and assigns no value to any. The Truth knows our hearts. Anyone who has ever played with the family dog calling it all manner of horrible things using the same voice and body language used when praising it for a good deed knows that the dog knows your heart through the tones and movements and is not offended or frightened by the words. We can fool ourselves into believing the words; the words of our parents, our friends, coworkers, classmates and perfect strangers, but Truth is like the dog, seeing through the ruse and loving us in spite of our silly attempts at deception.

In art the illusion of depth and scale is created by assigning a vanishing point to a drawing. It is the point where all parallel lines in the picture merge as illustrated in a photograph of railroad tracks disappearing over a flat horizon. A crafty artist knows the vanishing point does not need to be on the canvas, it can be a point is space existing more as an idea than a physical place. Adherence to its purpose and existence is the only device the artist must employ. Truth lies at that point and all ideas and beliefs emanate from it and converge at it. Keeping that point foremost in our minds keeps everything in perspective. The artist can create works that appear to defy the point’s existence, but art is the manipulation of illusion so even when the art appears distorted it is only because the artist knows and uses the Truth. We appear to defy our Truth with the application of our power of choice. The human condition appears to be a chaotic and distorted and we leap from one illusion to the next thinking we are in control. Movie heroes can jump blindly off a roof and land in a passing truck full of empty boxes, our experiences are rarely so fortuitous. We do take leaps of faith however and where our focus is fixed on our Truth, the Truth delivers to us the fruit of our belief. Where our focus drifts and we place our belief in our ego mind the Truth still delivers to us the fruit of our belief and we are left grasping at the air because we have placed our belief in a non-existent “other.”

Centers for Spiritual Living’s vision is “A world that works for everyone.” ( )Speaking at a recent gathering its President, Dr. John Waterhouse mused on expanding that idea to include “Envisioning a world where everyone understands how it works.” The world already works for everyone. The world is the Truth in action. In our ignorance of how it works we make unproductive choices. We think we are separate from God, or that there is no God. We follow customs laid down over generations without questioning how they came to be. We assume that because we are separate from God that God plays favorites, or there being no God we are on our own with no consequences to our actions and beliefs. In a world where everyone understands how it works our ego minds make choices in alignment with Truth. Prosperity manifest without greed, we remain healthy because we choose healthy life styles, our creativity flows because we are in harmony with creation and our relationships are symphonic, love responding to love. Understanding how it works, understanding that we are all simply individualizations within the One resets our perspective opening us to inspiration. Our Truth remains patient.

A New Thought Perspective