2018 Thanksgiving note

Here in the U.S. we are celebrating our Thanksgiving holiday. In our house we are quickly converting the kitchen/dining/living room area from the construction storage site it has been for the past few weeks back into a welcoming space for guest and gluttony. The new floors and doors are in (doors still need paint – thankful for a long week-end), new appliances start arriving Saturday, and a new kitchen plan is coming together for action in upcoming weeks.

We are not forgetting our neighbors who are still dealing with hurricane aftermath, the loss of loved ones, and those just starting the fire recovery process. The outward appearance of these challenges is undeniable and the work ahead daunting. We are thankful for the many heroic efforts of officials, friends and strangers who step gracefully into their “angel” personas serving however needed when called upon.

We are thankful knowing these outward appearances do not define our neighbors nor ourselves. The power to cope with the task at hand continues as always to emanate from within; flowing through us displacing any fears or doubts that momentarily distract us. We are thankful knowing the politics of our nation and around the world do not define the wonderful people who do the work day in and day out of simply being human – kind, smart, compassionate Spiritual beings choosing constantly to allow their True nature to shine through life’s darkest moments.

We are thankful that we are able to enter into home remodeling by choice not circumstance, and thankful knowing that whatever outward appearances demonstrate wherever people are today, the sun rises again tomorrow bringing new opportunities, new angels, and another day to be thankful for.

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