Judging a Book by Its Cover

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking


We are quick to believe what we want to believe. We become so entrenched in our need to be right that we grasp on to any evidence that seems to confirm our belief whether it confirms our belief or not. A chain e-mail based on a 2008 photo of President Obama holding the book by Fareed Zakaria “The Post-American World” is still making the rounds as evidence of selective belief. Zakaria is a highly respected journalist who describes himself as, “. . . not a religious guy.”

The uninformed claims of the anonymous e-mail author were debunked in the Factcheck.com article “Obama’s Reading Material” posted October 1, 2009 by Lori Robertson. “Wanna believers,” or dis-believers depending on your view, still site the photo as proof of their unenlightened convictions regarding Obama’s religion and agenda. All of us fall into this trap from time to time. We forget our Spiritual Truth, empower our egos and embark on a quest to be proven right. We select evidence that supports our belief rather than letting the body of evidence lead us to the truth.

“The Post-American World” is actually a celebration of the American economy’s domination over factional and marginalized religious and political blocs. The world economy is homogenizing around the American free market model, and nations once seen as “foreign” and “hostile” are becoming more and more to be trade partners rather than trade rivals. The American rising tide is lifting all boats. America is winning and this is what victory looks like. We often miss opportunities to be happy because our good shows up differently than we expected. Our ego sets an expectation that the universe ignores and we are unhappy because our expectation is not met even though our goal is fulfilled.

For many an American victory resembles a video game with one nation standing among a smoldering ruin of vanquished foes. A quick review of the past century is in order. World War I left the German economy in shambles leading to World War II. The world powers adjusted their thinking and post war Germany was rebuilt with a thriving economy that not only endures to this day, but who’s “American” model dominated its “Soviet” model leading to a reunited country and strong western ally. Japan was bombed into submission and also evolved into an American modeled super economy. North Korea has remained in the dark ages, but its ally China’s economy is unrecognizable to its mid-century Communist architects. Vietnam is a bitter memory to Americans but economically is vibrant in a hybrid fashion. We prosper when we recognize our similarities and work together.

In sports rival teams acknowledge each other’s efforts with a post-game hand shake regardless the score or intensity of the contest. We recognize it as good sportsmanship to extend a hand to a fallen rival to assist them to their feet. There is nothing American about “piling on,” driving an opponent into the ground beyond any possible recovery. Spirit, our loving source, does not judge or hold grudges. As quickly as we relinquish our ego driven need to be right, we are realigned with Spirit and unaffected by chaotic appearances. We enjoy harmony in relationships and our prosperity unfolds before us.

Our perceptions inform our beliefs more strongly than facts. Our egos choose to believe our perceptions and commit to defending them in defense of itself. If our perceptions are correct, our ego is correct, our ego is happy our soul is in turmoil. Our soul knows the facts and becomes restless when they conflict with our belief.

We perceive a world torn by conflict and dominated by terrorist. “The Post-American World” informs us that the facts tell a different story. The facts demonstrate that there is less general warfare in the world and although horrible, terrorist acts are much less influential than we perceive them to be. The Americanized world economy recovers from each episode more quickly each time. Zakaria reminds us that our instant communication reality, our twenty four/seven news cycle and social media connect us to and fill our perceptions with every demonstration of frustration and fear whenever and wherever is occurs in our world. Fifty years ago millions died in conflicts around the world with little or no witness.

When we allow ourselves to believe what others say about us we are buying into the media hype. Each retelling of the story bends the truth a little more and we become more disconnected from our Spiritual Truth. We can break the cycle of internal misinformation by remember that our story is now and stories are transient. Our soul, Spirit is forever and unchanging. We can choose to turn off the media in our head that informs our perceptions and reconnect to our Spiritual Truth. Stop fueling the myths and what remains is Truth. Truth is harmony, there is no resistance, and the vibration is as smooth and steady as a well maintained machine.

The facts inform us that contrary to our perceptions Muslim leaders are instrumental in emasculating jihadist claiming to represent the religion. Tireless efforts by a united world police have neutralized countless threats and these united efforts continue with common respect and goals. The facts revealed through polling analysis indicate that currently Westerners are more inclined to accept collateral casualties in pursuit of wrongdoers than Muslims.

“The Post-American World” illuminates the changing role of the United States in the world’s economy. As everyone’s “skin in the game” increases the wisdom of working together becomes apparent. No one enjoys being told what to do. Everyone likes to emulate success. The world is catching on to America’s success and wants to play, not be played. Competition is healthy and rivalries promote exceptional efforts but at the end of the day the post American world will be more supportive and less combative recognizing that a successful competitor is a good customer.

As we recognize ourselves in others, release our ego’s need to be right and embrace harmony over victory our lives become more enjoyable. America’s western economic model is the example for the world. Each of us is an example to our world. The joy within us is as contagious as success. Cooperation brings joy, domination fosters fear. Our successful world leaders recognize this truth and are embracing collaboration as the next step in our human evolution.

Learn more about Spirit, Spiritual Mind, the One Mind, Spiritual Law, Universal Intelligence, The Science of Mind and the power within you at a Center For Spiritual Living near you or online starting at CSL.org or CSLFTL.org.


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