A Few Words on Walls

By Rev. Glenn Neil Stocking

The world’s population is constantly in motion. Individuals move about, communities migrate. The earliest humans followed their food and expanded their horizons seeking balance between population and resources. We are by our nature, immigrants. Spirit lives through us, and our migratory nature, our freedom of choice. Spirit by its nature is always expanding its store of experiences through our individual thoughts and actions, our migrations from the now to the new. Ironically, the infinite employs our seemingly finite lives and our desire to explore to fulfill its infinite self.

Pioneers moving into new territories always alter the status quo even if there were no others there before them. When we hunt wild game or put a plow into the ground we forever alter that which was into something new. Move into ground already populated and the encounter alters both populations irreversibly. Empires around the world and throughout time have grown powerful only to slip quietly into the pages of history through the evolution of human endeavors.

Some would have us believe that building a wall can stop Spirit’s infinite exploration. China built a wall that today stands as a marvel of engineering; it serves no other purpose. The Soviet Union built a wall in Berlin that today looks out at us from blocks of plastic or dangles in the form of necklaces or earrings. A wall in Jerusalem is said to be effective, but security is an illusion. There is no denying the threat there, but it is the Spiritually loving nature of Jerusalem’s people that keeps the peace.

The exercise of building a U.S./Mexico border wall deserves exploration if for no other reason than to expose its lunacy. Start with the placement of the wall; it seems impractical to build it in the middle of the Rio Grande River where some of the border runs, so it would have to be completely on U. S. soil, probably some distance back from the river so as to not impede its enjoyment as a leisure destination. Unless the U.S. is willing to cede the land and river south of the wall to Mexico along with all that leisure economy, anyone approaching the wall will be in the U.S. and protected by its laws. Therefore any personal injury related to the wall will be eligible for litigation in a U.S. court.

The specter of litigation suggest the need for insurance, and insurance requires premiums that in this case would be an obligation of American taxpayers. Litigation also requires attorneys who would also be an obligation of American taxpayers. So in review the wall is not even built yet and it is generating income for insurance companies and attorneys. Care to hazard a guess as to which insurance companies and which attorneys will be reaping in the profits at taxpayer expense? Can you say political cronyism? Remember the phrase, it is recurrent.

One Presidential candidate indicates his wall will be has high as a jumbo jet hanger. The walls of that hanger stand because they are part of a self-supporting system of interlocking perpendicular walls and roof trusses. To approximate that level of support our wall will need to be constructed as a zig-zag, a method popular with rural rail fences. The zig-zag pattern also lends itself to being easily guarded providing clear observation of its base from stations located at the apexes, not to mention clear fields of fire allowing for slaughter of any undocumented interlopers or innocent wanderers within the security zone. Of course all this being on U.S. soil in close proximity to a recreational area to some, may be problematic.

Staffing those guard stations will require a small army, well actually a rather large army. It does not seem prudent to tie up U.S military assets for such a static mission, besides, the same candidates avowing the wall seem to have more worldly uses for the military. Private contractors usually come into consideration for this type of roll. They have already made major inroads into the taxpayer funded privatization of the prison industry, and administering punishment without the inconvenience of due process is more suited to use of a corporate entity that can be scape-goated without prosecuting the principles who would simply reappear as a new corporation carrying on the mission. Who would these principles likely be? Remember the phrase?

So now we have seen how billions of taxpayer dollars will be funneled into the hands of political cronies and the wall is still at best a dream on paper or worse a deranged concept in the mind of someone the gullible world takes seriously. And we have not even brought in the materials needed to build the wall; another opportunity to pay off one of the good old boys. The wall will require continuous maintenance and a road system to provide it. The maintenance company will require depots, security, staffing, and a friend in Washington.

It is asserted that Mexico will pay for the wall. If so it is likely Mexico will want the job of building to benefit Mexican construction companies. So now we are looking at Mexican companies using more than likely Mexican crews to build a wall on U. S. soil. The Mexican crew will want Mexican comforts; food, entertainment, families, etcetera. The building of a wall on U.S. soil will bring more Mexicans into the country than are already coming. Of course there is an alternative; Mexico could just say “NO.” In fact, it already has.

Mexico is a fabulous country with wonderful people and vast resources. People in the United States deride Mexico’s government but take advantage of its shortcomings to exploit its underserved population. We in the U.S. want low prices in our supermarkets, at the gas pump and on and on. Low-cost labor is key to these wants and conditions in Mexico drive an endless supply northward. We in the U.S. say our form of government is better, but the example we set is far from ideal.

We show the world a dysfunctional Congress that refuses to act because it does not like the color of our President’s skin. We show the world a government that funnels taxpayer money into private schools to dumb down our disadvantaged populations and dis-educate our future leaders with fairy tales and propaganda. We show the world leadership that believes might makes right and that we can bomb the world into peaceful coexistence held together by force. All to benefit that special group, remember the phrase?

Fences may make good neighbors, but walls divide people and force tribal thinking. Walls are human concepts built by people with delusions they can power their way through fear. Their belief in fear perpetuates itself. When we embrace our Spiritual nature, fear is dissolved by its infinite love. Love brings walls down, brings people together, and peace held together unconditionally.

Learn more about Spiritual Truth and infinite Love at a Center for Spiritual Living in your community or on line starting at CSL.org or CSLFTL.org.


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